Cherish type: Acknowledgements

Thank You

Wishes to express their heartfelt thanks & sincere appreciation to beloved relatives, valued friends and well wishers for their prayers, condolences, contributions, floral tributes, kind attendanc...

Thank You

Departed: 9th December 2017 Age: 79 years wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all relatives, friends, well-wishers, Church members, Doctors & Nurses of Hospital Tengku Am...

Thank You

The family of Owen Chung would like to thank you very much for the cards, flowers and kind expressions of sympathy shown following his passing.   Owen lived a full and happy life and he would...

Our Deepest Appreciation

(Departed on Saturday, 21st October 2017) Would like to sincerely thank all relatives and friends for your encouraging words of comfort, prayers and floral tributes during our recent time of loss. We...


(Departed on 28.09.2017) Would like to thank all our relatives and friends for their assistance, messages of condolences and invaluable assistance during our recent bereavement. The family wishes to...

Thank You

Age 83 years Departed: 29th September 2017 I, Nancy Lim Lean See (beloved wife of the late Toh Kheam Aik) would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all relatives, friends and well wishers for you...


Age: 94   of 1004, Jalan RJ 1/1, Taman Rasah Jaya passed away peacefully on 3rd Sept 2017 We, the family thank all relatives and friends for the comforting presence and invaluable support dur...


Age: 92 years old Passed away peacefully on 12th July 2017 Wish to express our heartfelt thanks and deepest  appreciation to relatives & friends for your prayers,  love, support, flo...

Om Namashivaya

Age: 90   Beloved husband of the Late Mdm Saradha Bhargavi Passed away peacefully on 4th July 2017   Our dearest and beloved Acha, you were a man like no other. You gave us life, educ...
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