Cherish type: Acknowledgements


Age : 82 years Passed away on 22.12.2016 and cremated on 23.12.2016. Leaving behind beloved  husband M.S. Karunakaran and family. The family thanks everyone for the help rendered, wreaths, fl...


Departed 23-11-2016 wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends for your prayers, love & support, floral tributes, contributions...


would like to express our love, heartfelt appreciation and deepest gratitude to all our precious relatives, dear friends old and new, kind neighbours and members of various associations for their pre...


(Departed 16th November 2016)   wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all well wishers, relatives and friends for their love and support, contributions and invaluable assi...


We, the family of the late Mdm K. Nalini who passed away peacefully on 22 September 2016, wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our relatives and friends for their pre...


7.3.1940-23.9.2016   God saw you getting tired and a cure was not meant to be So he put his arms around you and whispered...”Come with me” With tearful eyes, we watched you slowly...


wish to express heartfelt appreciation to all relatives, business associates, friends and associations for their prayers, condolence message, floral tributes, kind assistance and contributions during ...


Age: 69 years We, the family of late LIM JIT KIEM wishes to express our grateful thanks & appreciation to caring uncles & aunties, cousins, all relatives, thoughtful friends, pastors, brother...

Aum Sivamayam

(16.2.1954 – 22.06.2016) joined his maker on 22.6.2016 leaving behind his brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, a host of relatives & friends. We, the family wishes to thank ...


wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our relatives, friends and colleagues for their prayers, contributions, love and support, condolences and invaluable assistance rendered, w...
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