One thing I have desired of the Lord,
that will I seek;
That I will dwell in the house of the LORD,
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the LORD,
and to inquire in His temple.
-Psalm 27:4
12.05.1931 - 19.1.2017
At times we wonder how the world can go on,
How life can push forward, now that you're gone.
You were our center, our tether, our soul,
Mother to many, friend to us all.
Let our lives be a tribute to the love that you've shown,
To the dreams that you dreamt, to the goodness you've sown.
We'll miss you always, but even as we mourn,
We take comfort in knowing that in our hearts, you live on.
-Anthea Pushparatnam-
The family would like to thank Dato' Dr CC Tan, Dr Tharma, Dr Robert Jalleh, Dr Navin Kumar, Rev Fr Raymond Pereira, and the St Paul (SS14) and Good Shepherd (SS18) BECs of St Thomas More Church, Subang Jaya for the care and concern shown to her during her last days. We deply appreciate those who travelled from far and near, who sent floral and monetary gifts,thoughts and prayers and for all who gave of thmselves in any way or fashion. For the warmest of hugs and words or compassion, for playing your part in easing our grief, in healing our hearts, we especially thank you.