

The family of the late


Wishes to express our deepest appreciation and heartfelt 

gratitude to all relatives, dearest friends, respective 

association, respective business associates and company staff for your presence, love and support, words of comfort and 

condolences, prayers, wreaths, contributions and invaluable 

assistance rendered which have given us strength and solace 

during our time of bereavement.


  • Sons
  • Tan Chin Hwa
    Dato’ Tan Chin Huat
    Tan Chin Aik
    Tan Chin Seng
    Tan Chin Siong
  • Daughters-In-Law
  • Hoo Chai Yuen
    Datin Chiang Wen Juei
    Koh Chai Hwa
    Loh Geok Chin
    Christine Rivera
  • Daughters
  • Tan Bee Eng
    Tan Bee Hong
    Datin Seri Cheryl Tan
    Bee Geok
  • Sons-In-Law
  • -
    Gary M
    Datuk Seri Stanley Thai
    Kim Sim
And all Family Members
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