
1st anniversary

“My soul finds rest in God alone;

my salvation comes from Him.” (Psalm 62:1)



In Loving Memory of


Born : 2nd Nov 1964

Departed : 4th Dec 2017


A face we love is missing,

A vision we love is still,

A place is vacant in all our hearts,

A person we love forever & so dear to our hearts,

….. Till we meet at the beautiful shore


Lovingly remembered and forever cherished by Sisters, Brothers, Brother-in-law, Sisters-in-law, Nieces, Nephews, Relatives & Friends.

Memorial Prayers will be held on 4th Dec 2018 (Tues) at 7.30pm at residence No. 27, Laluan Buntong Jaya 8, Buntong Tambahan 5, 30100 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Kindly treat this as a personal invitation.



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