
in memoriam



“I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness

and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

                                                                                               Psalm 7:17



Your love, sacrifices and devotion for your family are living testimonies. No amount can replace. For someone very dear that we’ve lost, you will always be close. It’s for us to treasure.


  • Husband:
  • Chew Teik Hock
  • Sons:
  • Chew Loon Guan
    Chew Loon Chai
  • Daughters-In-Law:
  • Choo Kheng Imm
    Phua Ai Lin
  • Grandsons:
  • Chew Thean Yew, Chew Thean Loong & Chew Thean Yee
  • Sister:
  • Choong Moh Cheng



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