
om namah shivaya



In Ever Loving Memory of Our Beloved


Former Registrar of Societies Penang, Kedah, Perlis

Former Chairman of Penang Hindu Endowment Board

Anugerah Tokoh Merdeka Pulau Pinang



Life with you was so memorable, rewarding, full of love,

peaceful, inspiring and beautiful. You had a blessed life, commanding love,

admiration, respect and loyalty from everyone. A lodge Brother even wrote a

poem about you describing you as a “Man for All Seasons”. You finished your

life’s journey satisfied and gratified leaving imperishable memories. If you were

to be my husband in every birth, I will gladly take a hundred births Mamma.

Fondly referred to as “Englishman” for your immaculate dressing and

impeccable manners, you left an indelible mark in our lives. I love you for a

hundred thousand reasons but most of all I love you because You are You

Mamma. Thank you for being Everything to me Mamma,

a Rainbow that shone and glowed so brightly.



Always Your Loving Wife: Vasatha Maniam


Always loved, missed and remembered by

  • Son
  • Captain Shanmuganathan
  • Daughter
  • Maheswari
  • Daughter-in-law
  • Ranjit Kaur
Grandchildren, Nephews, Nieces, Relatives. Brethren (Lodge’Scotia Penang) and Friends
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