
in memoriam

  • Madam Teresa Valliamah a/p Sinnasamy

    Madam Teresa Valliamah a/p Sinnasamy

    (wife of late Mr. John Savarimuthu, Retired Headmaster, Alpha Bernam)


Born: 31-12-1932

Departed: 14-05-2016

A memorial Prayer shall be held for the late

Madam Teresa Valliamah.S, (wife of late Mr. John Savarimuthu,

retired HM, of Alpha Bernam) who departed this earth on

14th May, 2016. 

In Christ: Children, In-laws, Grandchildren and Loved ones!

The Prayers shall be held on Saturday, 25th June, 2016 at 7.00pm, at

E-1509, Jalan Kilang Papan, Kg Melayu, Batu Arang, 48100 Selangor. 

Your kind participation at the memorial Prayers and Fellowship dinner thereafter, shall be greatly appreciated.

Contact: 012-4555934;


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