We, the family would like to express our sincere gratitude to all relatives and friends for their kind presence and immense support during our time of bereavement.
Deeply missed and forever loved by:
- Dr. Selvamalar Ponnambalam
Ganesharaja Ponnambalam
- Parameswaran Kandiah
Shanthini Satkunam
- Mohan Raj Kandiah
Kishen Raj Kandiah
Vidhyah Rupini Ganesharaja
Praeveen Ganesharaja
31st Day Anthiyeshty Prayers will be held on
10th March 2020, Tuesday at 36, Lorong Zaaba, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
from 9:30am onwards followed by lunch.
Kindly treat this as our personal invitation.