“ I have fought a great battle, I have finished the race, Now There is a crown for me, The crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge will reward me on that day’
2 Timothy 4:7-8
Age: 72 years
(Ex- TNB Seremban Staff / Runner Malaysia)
Was called home to The Lord on 30/8/2020
Dearly missed and cherished by wife Enitta, sisters, in-laws, nephews, nieces, cousins, close relatives and best friends / colleagues
Special thanks to:
Dato’ Dr Tamil Selvan and Medical Staff of CVS KL,
TNB Office Staff and YAKEB Staff.
“Always in our Mind, Forever In our Heart”
Funeral service will be held at Holy Rosary Church Parlour
Kuala Lumpur by 11am on 31/8/2020, Thereafter last rites will be at Crematorium DBKL Cheras.