“The Atman is invincible, indestructible, and lives on.”
Bhavagad Gita 2.20
Thank You, Appa
For believing in us.
For the fun, the laughter, the memories,
the care, the love and the magic that was you.
You were so exceptional that our friends
wanted to be adopted.
We can’t imagine a life without you
But we won’t say goodbye
For you will live in the values you taught us
And the love that reverberates around us
You will live on with us forever
Abiseshana, Shaktira and Amma Lakshmi
The Rajaratnams
The Suppiahs, Nieces, Nephews, In-laws,
beloved Friends and Family
and all whose lives you touched.
Sincere appreciation to all who rendered assistance, sent floral tributes and messages. We kept it a private event. We tried. But couldn’t stop the love.
PS. Amma is not talking to you (We can almost hear you go “Yay!”) for leaving her without warning , so we had to do this.