"I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith."
(2 Timothy 4:7)
Age: 73 years
Was called home to be with the Lord
on Saturday, 25 December 2021
Leaving behind beloved
- Chris Heng Aik Khai
Heng Aik Yong
Heng Ekjing
- Stephanie Lee Siok Kuen
Vivian Wong Li Li
Melissa Atchong Chan Li Li
- Ethan Heng Kaifeng
Sean Heng Kaiwei
Zion Shiloh Heng Zengyan
Wake details:
Date & Time: Sunday, 26/12/2021 (2pm to 10pm), Wake service (8pm - 9pm)
Monday, 27/12/2021 (3pm to 10pm), Wake service (8pm - 9pm)
Venue: Nirvana Center Shah Alam, Hall S06 (Wisdom)
Taman Perkuburan Seksyen 21, Jalan Pusara 21/1, Off Jubli Perak,
40300 Shah Alam, Selangor.
Funeral service details:
Date & Time: Tuesday, 28/12/2021 (10am)
Cortege leaves at 11am for cremation at Nirvana Crematorium, Shah Alam