Age: 82 years
Passed away peacefully on Friday, 13 March 2020.
Dearly missed and forever cherished by:-
- Balashanmugam C.V.K. Nambiar
- Sheila Devi
Shamini Devi
Ganesh Kumar
Sunita Devi
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Nahendran Suppiah
Srijeya Manoharan
Dharmitra Devi Nithiananthan
- Karthyla, Rakshana, Vivecca, Alkash and Lidrean
Funeral will be held on Sunday, 15 March 2020. Funeral services will begin at 11:00am and cortege leaves at 1:00pm from No. 8, Lebuh Wing Onn 3, Taman Wing Onn, 30010 Ipoh, Perak to Buntong Crematorium.