16th day athma shanti prayers
Aum namasivaya
"He was the man of hopes, He was more than a father but a friend,
These times are excruciating and things will never be the same...
But we know he will always be watching over us like he used to be..."
Born on 9th March 1957
Departed on 20th December 2017
Dearly missed and cherished forever by his beloved.
- The late Janakie Devi Rathnam
- Dr. Sai Banu Selvarajah, Shanthini Raj Selvarajah, Sao Vivashini Selvarajah, Daashini Selvarajah
Prayers will be held on 3rd January 2018, 7.00pm followed by lunch on 4th January 2018 at No 31, Lorong Udang Pasir 2,Taman Emas Sri Segambut, 52000 Kuala Lumpur.
Kindly treat this as a personal invitation